United Grand Lodge of England Constitutions and Supreme Grand Chapter Regulations
Joining Members from other Jurisdictions
Rule 163. (e). In the event of a Brother who has been initiated in a Lodge not under the Grand Lodge applying to join a Lodge under the Grand Lodge, the Secretary of the Lodge shall, before the ballot is taken, apply to the Grand Secretary (or in the case of a District Lodge, to the District Grand Secretary) to ascertain that the Grand Lodge under which the Brother was initiated is recognised by the Grand Lodge.
Membership of quasi-Masonic and other organisations
Rule 176. A person who has in any way been connected with any organisation which is quasi-Masonic, imitative of Masonry, or regarded by the Grand Lodge as irregular or is incompatible with the Craft, may not be initiated into the Craft except by leave of the Grand Master or the Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master, as the case may be.
A Brother who subsequent to his initiation has in any way been or is connected with any such organisation as above mentioned shall be bound to disclaim and finally to sever such connection, or on failure to do so when called upon to do so by any proper Masonic authority shall be liable to suspension or expulsion and shall not thereafter be entitled to a resumption of his Masonic privileges until he shall have petitioned the Grand Master, made due submission, and obtained grace.
Grand Conclave Order of the Secret Monitor Constitutions and Regulations
Rule 88. (i) A person is not eligible for induction into the Order unless he is (a) a Master Mason, raised to that degree in a regular Lodge, and (b) a member in good standing of a regular Lodge.
(ii) A person is not eligible for election as a joining member or as a re-joining member unless (a) he was inducted in a regular Conclave, and (b) he is a member or past member in good standing of a regular Conclave, and a member in good standing or a honourary member of a regular Lodge.
A regular Lodge is a Lodge under the jurisdiction of United Grand Lodge of England, or of a Grand Lodge recognised as regular by that body.
A regular Conclave is a Conclave under the jurisdiction of this Grand Conclave, or of a Grand Conclave recognised as regular by this Grand Conclave.
The qualification of every candidate in the foregoing respects shall be stated at his nomination and set forth in the Summons issued not less than seven days before the meeting at which the ballot for his election is to take place.
Rule 93. (i) In the event of a brother who was inducted in a Conclave not under the jurisdiction of this Grand Conclave applying to join a Conclave under this Grand Conclave, the Secretary of the Conclave shall, before the ballot is taken, apply to the Grand Recorder (or in a Province / District or Provincial / District Inspectorate to the Provincial or District Grand Recorder) to ascertain that the Grand Conclave under which the brother was inducted is recognised by the Grand Conclave in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas.
Not reproduced wholly but in the relevant sections that apply, please read the Constitutions and Regulations for the full content