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Who can join Supera Moras No49 ‘The Internet Conclave`?

Applications for membership are welcomed from any Freemason who is a member of a Grand Lodge recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, attained the rank of a Master Mason and if you are Joining or Re-Joining, are a member of a Regular Conclave as recognised by Grand Conclave.


          Is my Grand Lodge Recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) ?


  •       To check if your Grand Lodge is recognised by UGLE Check their website here

  •       Outside what is published in the Yearbook for the Order, Grand Conclave do not publish a list of Conclaves overseas recognised by Grand               Conclave, any enquiries to be made through the Provincial Recorder (see below in What Happens Next). 

  •       UGLE permits dual or plural membership but a small minority of Grand Lodges do not. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your Grand                  Lodge is not one of these. 


Why should I join Supera Moras No49 ‘The Internet Conclave?

Supera Moras No49 ‘The Internet Conclave’ is a peripatetic Conclave, so, by travelling to different meeting places, your Masonic circle of friends will continue to grow. You will have the opportunity to meet Brothers from different Provinces and Conclaves, some from over-seas, in a unique experience further enhancing your advancement in Freemasonry. But much more than this, you will share the experience of that special bond of friendship that exists between members of this unique Order.


What is the application process?

The process for joining Supera Moras No49 ‘The Internet Conclave’ is quite simple, but there are certain rules and steps that must be followed.


Supera Moras ‘The Internet Conclave’ is under the jurisdiction of the Grand Conclave (MMH) and also criteria of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), and as such applicants for membership must fully satisfy Rule 88 Constitutions and Regulations Grand Conclave Order of the Secret Monitor, and Rule 163 (e) Book of Constitutions United Grand Lodge England. Please note Rule 176 (membership of quasi-Masonic and other Organisations) Book of Constitutions United Grand Lodge England may apply to some applicants.


These relate to:


  1. Receiving all relevant data relating to the applicant, his employment and his Masonic memberships. Note that this data is held in a membership database wholly owned and maintained by Supera Moras No49 ‘The Internet Conclave’ and the data is used for Internet Conclave purposes only. Data will NOT be divulged to any third party with the exception of Grand Conclave or UGLE, unless demanded by law.

  2. Submitting a fully completed Grand Conclave registration form in accordance with the Grand Conclave rules for joining members.

  3. Providing Clearance Certificates or copies of Dues receipts for all OSM Conclaves of which a person is, or has been, a member of in order to ascertain that the applicant is not in debt to any Masonic body.

  4. Gaining UGLE agreement that all Constitutions of which the applicant is a member are recognised by, and are in amity with, UGLE and likewise with Grand Conclave


How do I apply?

Your application to join this unique Conclave starts by completing this form.


What is the cost of membership?

Fees payable to Grand Conclave:

Registration of a Brother on Induction                                        £30.00*

Registration of a Joining Brother not previously registered        £30.00*

Registration of Joining Brother already registered                     £23.00*


     *These fees are as of the year 2020-21 and are liable to change


As in every Conclave there in an annual subscription, which is currently 47.00 GBP*. If you are not admitted to the Conclave for any reason the registration fee and subscription will be refunded. Payments can me made either by BACS or cheque, details available on request but must accompany the application before Proposal.

     *Please note that this fee is for the current year 2020-21 and is liable to change.


Please contact to obtain the bank details to facilitate electronic bank transfer.


What happens next?

The registration form should be completed, signed and returned by email to for the attention of the Secretary. When you sign and return the completed Registration Form, it must be accompanied by Clearance Certificates indicating good standing from the Secretary of every OSM Conclave, of which you are, or have been, a member. *


If you are a member of a Lodge which is not recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England or a Conclave not recognised by Grand Conclave MMH, there will be a requirement for you to provide a copy of all Certificates, which will then be forwarded to Grand Conclave MMH for their information and advice before any further decision can be considered. Rule 93 (i) Constitutions and Regulations Grand Conclave MMH.  *  


 (* Please note that these documents can be scanned and emailed)


All applications for membership must accompany full payment as outlined above, and we can either provide you with our bank details to allow a BACS transfer, or if you do not use internet banking, an address will be provided for you to send a cheque (payable to Supera Moras Conclave No.49) direct to the treasurer.  

Once all your documents have been received and the registration form completed by your proposer and seconder in accordance with the rules, you will be proposed for membership at the next regular meeting of the Conclave.


What happens after I have been proposed?

Every member of the Conclave becomes aware of your application and the Proposition for membership will be mentioned in Regular Conclave. The proposition is then placed on the Summons for the next regular meeting of the Conclave, where a ballot will take place and following an anticipated successful ballot, you will be admitted to membership of the Conclave, where you will be made very welcome.


When I am a member.

At this point you will be added to the mailing list and given access to the members' pages on the Web site enabling you to correspond with other member using our online chat facility.

You will be made very welcome as a member Supera Moras No 49 and attend at meetings with a participating vote, plus you will be able to the propose other members for joining and when circumstances permit, then Master Masons for induction. 

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